API Automation

API Move the Profile from a Specific Group to the Default Group

API Move the profile from a specific group to the default group:

Request Url:


Request Type: GET

tokenstringAuthentication tokentrue
tagIdstringGroup IDtrue
profileIdstringBrowser profile IDtrue


    "token": "66e9f73f3617c6afdc6768f7a61a58ae",
    "tagId": "655",
    "profileId": "9BC92B7D-BBF9-4FFC-8812-B1D1C241BAC9"


1. Token: Please refer to the "API Token" tutorial.

2. tagId:  Please refer to the "API Get all group list" tutorial.

3. profileId: Please refer to the "Where can the Profile ID be Found?" tutorial or use the profile/list interface to get all profileId.